Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Coblentz Chocolate

We slept so sound we didn't wake until 8am, to the clip clop of horse hoofs on the road out side. Our room had a name, it was Country Pleasure and smelled like fresh flowers. Outside on the veranda our white wicker rocking chairs were surrounded by tulips and all the trees had fruit blossoms. The breeze brought their fresh sweet scent everywhere you turn.
We went upstairs to the large Wicker Lounge with all new tan wicker furniture. The breakfast is continental, but very satisfying with sausage, waffles, hard boiled eggs, fresh fruit, grape juice, orange juice, apple juice, piles of bananas, milk, and that delicious coffee as well as hot chocolate. There were also 3 or 4 varieties of cereal.
Next we headed next door to the Coblentz Chocolate Factory. It is Victorian in design with copper stamped ceilings, wood floors, antique furniture and lots of candy and free samples. It has to be the nicest chocolate factory on the planet. We stand by the wood railing looking down on the Amish girls as they lay out cut bars on conveyors that run them through the chocolate falls that coat them not once but twice.
We then drove to Sugar Creek, also called little Switzerland, the buildings downtown look like they were plucked from the Swiss alps and deposited in this sleepy little town. With the buildings having painted murals on their Swiss chalet designs, it certainly has the feel of Europe. With people speaking in Deutsch it also enhances the feel. In addition the Swartzentruber's accents are even stronger.

(Over the years, the Amish churches have divided many times over doctrinal disputes. The 'Old Order' Amish, a conservative faction that withdrew from fellowship with the wider body of Amish in the 1860s, are those that have most emphasized traditional practices and beliefs. There are as many as eight different subgroups of Amish with most belonging, in ascending order of conservatism, to the Beachy Amish, New Order, Old Order, or Swartzentruber Amish sects.)

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