Friday, May 6, 2011

Finishing up Wednesday

We went to see the horses in the evening with Josiah It was one of only two nights we didn't get a nighttime walk in because it started to mist. We decided to sit in the large living room at the inn with a fireplace and a baby grand piano. We ate popcorn, had fresh cookies and coffee. Bette remarked that all we needed now was someone to come and play that piano for us.
There was some sort of shareholders meeting being catered in the lower level of the inn. The people coming in weren't guests but were dressed up in suits and dresses. They all looked much more professional than the quests staying at the inn.
Suddenly a guy strolls in and says, this thing is calling to me. He sits down at the piano and starts to play some incredible ragtime. When he played the Entertainer, it was as if he had written it. He played for no more than 20 minutes but it was the best free concert we've ever had. We gave him a rousing standing ovation when he finished(except we didn't stand). We had the place to ourselves except for one older gentleman. It was a very special evening and the only time the piano was played while we were there.

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