Thursday, May 5, 2011

Eli's Barn

Eli Stutzman is a humble man, but that doesn't prevent him from being proud of his barn. In between shoeing appointments he showed us his barn. I was asking him if it was new, "itz an olt barn" he said "I dunno how olt... bud it cos two hunret ayety thosan for tha lan... an anothar sixstee thousan to fix tha barn" and then he added "tha bank an I". It surprised me that a Swarzentruber would take out a loan

( my spell checker is going crazy)

The barn is very large and looks like new from the outside. Eli described how the entire structure was jacked up, pulled 12" back into position because the old limestone foundation had no footings and had shifted. The entire foundation was excavated and replaced with new concrete footings and poured concrete and block walls.

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