Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Mast Farm - Unhitching Team1

Paul Mast took the horses to the barn when Jen finished rowing the rye. As Paul unhitched the first team I asked how dangerous it was to be between the horses and the equipment. He said it is very dangerous, just this spring a team spooked that was hitched to a manure spreader. The horses ran into the side of a chicken barn and did some damage. They were not injured in that episode but last year pulling a corn picker, the horse on the left slipped and fell. One of the corn picker points went into the horse belly. It was a serious injury that left the horse intestines coming out. It took two veterinarians to put the horse to sleep roll it onto its back and stitch it back up.
There are many things that can go wrong working with animals but there is a real beauty to it.

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