Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Eaglesong Studio and another Old Haunt

One point of interest on this trip was to check out a wood carver in Winesburg. He specializes in heavy old fireplace mantles. Eaglesong Studio was closed when we stopped by the other day. Today it was open but nobody was there. It had a very nostalgic look, as if it was a workshop maybe a hundred years ago, but abandoned. It was a bit spooky looking around because I felt somehow we were being watched and perhaps listened to as we looked around. I didn't know how many photos I could take if the wood carver had shown up but I took advantage of the situation and took lots of pictures. I was curious to know what he charged and was delighted to see his prices on prominent display. He doesn't know it yet but he just might have met his demise. He was a wanna be sculptor at best and has managed to fool enough people to make a living at it. It was a real coup in my book, and as any spy who gets his information remaining undetected, I gained far more than he and I was careful not to say anything incriminating.
We had a lunch picnic in the truck, (because of wind) up in the back parking lot of Der Dutchman. It was a beautiful view looking down on Goose Bottom valley.
There is another old antique/junk place outside of Walnut Creek on 515. It had everything I was looking for on this trip but prices were high and the one thing I would have paid a premium for was not for sale. It was the largest size logging tongs you can buy, I couldn't believe it when I saw it. The owner of the place was gone but her son stopped by and would not part with it. He had welded some pieces of angle iron onto it for lifting stones. After telling me that if he sold it he would have to ask $75, I quickly offered him $100 cash and would have doubled it if he had seemed even slightly open to the idea. He is definitely a hoarder and I don't believe he will ever sell anything. For the record, he told me to go ahead and look around inside. It was unbelievable and totally describable. That place gave me a very uneasy feeling also, as if something very bad happened there at one time. We stopped there once about 5 years ago and Bette had gone in the place with me. We were both weird-ed out that time and couldn't wait to get out of there. Each time we have stopped there and anytime we have driven by, we find it odd that no one else has ever stopped. It seems like everyone has the same reaction to that place and perhaps the locals know something we don't.

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