Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Mast Farm - Evening Milking

As soon as Jen finished in the field, she invited us to watch the cows come home. She headed up the hill behind the farm to chase the cows down to the barn. There were two thin pieces of string tied from the fence gate to the barn. I'm not sure how the cows managed to stay between the strings without knocking them down. It looked like something from the Sound of Music with her skirt and head scarf blowing in the wind.
By this time Jesse had pulled up with the other team and needed to park the baler in the other barn. Paul took the reins and let Jesse go chase some stray Brown Swiss cows back through an open gate. When the herd was through, the lines came down and Jesse backed the baler in which looked like quite a feat as it was double jointed, one joint at the hitch and the other a hydraulic pivot for the baler. Paul said that Jesse won a backing competition last year.

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